Category: Sitecore

Experience Profile Won’t Load – NotSupportedException?

This one is a doozie, I tell ya. I was firing up Experience Profile in a client’s Production environment, and it was empty. Which was not accurate. Trust me, it shouldn’t have been empty. So a quick peek at the network traffic showed this: So yeah. Lemme call up that administrator. Me: Hello Me? Also…

Solving: Parent filter should be sent as parentFilter=filterCondition

Ever have one of those error messages that return less than a dozen results in Google? Makes you feel pretty alone. Sorry, this is not a therapy session. Let’s get you right as rain. What’s really going to flip your biscuit… The full text of the message is as follows: { “responseHeader”:{ “zkConnected”:true, “status”:400, “QTime”:0,…

Using Windows Hosts Writer with Sitecore 10

Edit: This has been updated to denote the latest version: v2.0. View here. If you’ve been on twitter today, you’ve noticed quite a bit of buzz around the Sitecore Universe (SCUniverse – Pronounced “skju nɪ vɜrs”) with the news that Sitecore 10 has dropped! Play Marketing Buzzword Bingo with the Press Release here: Of…

Form Designer Fails to Load

We were recently greeted with an error from the Sitecore Forms Designer, and it made me scratch my head a little bit. The whole “You must have Sitecore xDB installed and robot detection in Experience Analytics configured to enable robot detection” message made no sense given our setup. That’s…not ideal I scratched my head because…

Fixing the Name of your sitecore_testing_index and sitecore_suggested_test_index Indexes

I was combing through our log files this afternoon and came across the following errors filling the sucker up: 21044 16:31:43 ERROR ActionRunner: Execution is failed. Exception: SolrNet.Exceptions.SolrConnectionException Message: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html;charset=utf-8″/> <title>Error 404 Not Found</title> </head> <body><h2>HTTP ERROR 404</h2> <p>Problem accessing /solr/Sitecore-sitecore_testing_index/schema. Reason: <pre> Not Found</pre></p> </body> </html> Source: SolrNet at SolrNet.Impl.SolrConnection.Get(String…

Remove the Sitecore Log Noise from Application Insights

I was looking through our Fresh Dev Environment and noticed the following message in Application Insights: Nobody Samples my Data! Looking at the latest items showing up, it was pretty clear that the ever-so-loved chatty nature of Sitecore was causing Application Insights to throw a bit of a fit. Rightly so. We all know how…

Non-static method requires a target

There was way too much time spent debugging this issue today. We were working on some custom facet data in xDB and our Sitecore.Tracker.Current was continuing to come up null. Not fun. Here’s the code we were using: public class XConnectFormDataModel { public XdbModel Model { get; } = BuildModel(); private static XdbModel BuildModel() {…

Windows Hosts Writer – v 1.3

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve worked on the Windows Hosts Writer (WHW) and based on some feedback, a few changes were made: Now, WHW will listen to ANY network by default. No more having to remember to set it to nat or docker_default. You can still specify an override through the environment variable…

Installing Universal Tracker 2.0 in Azure

I’m helping out on an internal project and we’re kicking into overdrive with neat, fun things, such as Universal Tracker. What should we do? Step 1: Install Universal Tracker Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit! I mean…they wrote one So I did what anyone new to Sitecore would do. I trusted the documentation. Now, before…

Docker Quality of Life: JSON over YAML

After the ninth formatting error in my docker-compose.yml file, I decided to google if you could actually use JSON instead. I heart JSON, for reals. Whaaaaaaa Ok, so that’s great news. You can quickly convert your YAML files over to JSON with some online tools. Here’s a good one: Simply paste your YAML file…