Category: Windows Hosts Writer

XM Boilerplate Updates for 10.4

Sitecore has been pretty public that 10.4 was coming in April and it seems to have just snuck in there! There’s a bunch of ways to roll out your local 10.4 environment: Docker SIA Manually (Don’t do this) I like to think of myself pretty saavy with the Docker, so I opted for the former:…

Virtual User Group Presentation – March 2024

Last week, I had the honor of presenting at the Virtual Sitecore Headless Development User Group, organized by Martin Miles. It was a great chance to throw down some knowledge on all the fun things you can do with SSG and ISR, things I find near and dear to my heart. Like cheeseburgers. And bacon…

Windows Hosts Writer v 2.0

It’s been quite a while since WHW has received an update. Michael West (yes, that Michael West) has been gracious enough to get things up to speed with the latest version of dotnet core, docker, and even made a few enhancements. I’m not going to regurgitate it here, as you can read about all the…

Windows Hosts Writer – v 1.4

Edit: This has been updated to reflect that v2.0 has been released! View here. There’s a fun bug in windows having to deal with the number of hostnames per line in your hosts file. Any hostnames after the first nine just won’t resolve. That’s fun. Right? I’ve made some updates to the WHW image that…

Using Windows Hosts Writer with Sitecore 10

Edit: This has been updated to denote the latest version: v2.0. View here. If you’ve been on twitter today, you’ve noticed quite a bit of buzz around the Sitecore Universe (SCUniverse – Pronounced “skju nɪ vɜrs”) with the news that Sitecore 10 has dropped! Play Marketing Buzzword Bingo with the Press Release here: Of…

Windows Hosts Writer – v 1.3

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve worked on the Windows Hosts Writer (WHW) and based on some feedback, a few changes were made: Now, WHW will listen to ANY network by default. No more having to remember to set it to nat or docker_default. You can still specify an override through the environment variable…

Maintain your Hosts file with a Docker Container

UPDATED – Read below! So while this doesn’t technically involve Sitecore, it’s been super helpful so far when working with some of the docker efforts I’ve been putting forward setting up Identity Server as well as Horizons. Those are still in the works though, so hold tight. The problem I’d been running into for those…