Moving Sitemap.xml Generation to the Head

A standard part of every website is the Sitemap XML. Traditionally, the CM instance (XM Cloud included) generates this XML file (or files) and stores it in the media library and publishes to Edge it with each publish. Your headless application pulls this from Edge and streams it out to the browser. That’s pretty simple…

Excluding Stories Files from Component Builder

It’s been a hot minute since I ventured deep into the innards of Component Builder. I’d like to think I learned a few things since the last time. Maybe yes…Maybe no…Maybe maybe.!…


Ah, legacy project setup. I’ve had to do it. You’ve had to do it. We’ve all had to do it. It sucks. Fighting against an immovable wall, I was put to task. How should I go about this? Raw SIF? No. SIF-less? No, that jerk didn’t update it to 9.3. SIA? I guess, but…SIA is…

XM Boilerplate Updates for 10.4

Sitecore has been pretty public that 10.4 was coming in April and it seems to have just snuck in there! There’s a bunch of ways to roll out your local 10.4 environment: Docker SIA Manually (Don’t do this) I like to think of myself pretty saavy with the Docker, so I opted for the former:…

Next.js Multisite Addon Always Resolves to Default Site

The instances of Sitecore with more than one site are on the rise. SXA allows for templated Site and Tenant Management, and Sitecore even released a special Multisite Addon which handles all the resolution of sites by hostname, just like the way things used to be! This could have easily been Borat However, we were…

Update on the Future of Rock, Paper, Sitecore

If you hadn’t guessed it, Monday, April 1st was April Fools’ Day.  I surely don’t plan to pour my heart into writing about geology or the history of papyrus. All in all, just some fun…though ChatGPT sure can get spicy when you prompt it just the right way… Here at Rock, Paper, Sitecore, I’ve been…

SPE Out-Download Gives a 401 Error

We recently setup a new local installation of Sitecore XM, with SPE, SXA, the whole deal. One of our developers was trying to export some content via the Out-Download command, which wasn’t working. For the sake of testing, we dumbed this query down to the absolute basic: “Hello World!” | Out-Download -Name hello-world.txt In theory,…

Virtual User Group Presentation – March 2024

Last week, I had the honor of presenting at the Virtual Sitecore Headless Development User Group, organized by Martin Miles. It was a great chance to throw down some knowledge on all the fun things you can do with SSG and ISR, things I find near and dear to my heart. Like cheeseburgers. And bacon…

Next.js Multisite constantly reloading

Here’s a quick and dirty one today… We’re setting up a new solution with a few Sitecore sites as a foundation. Let’s call them Site A ( and Site B ( (Sorry for the lack of creativity.). The directions for this can be found on the Sitecore Multisite Add-on Docs. When browsing to, things…

Vercel’s “An unexpected error happened when running this build.”

Imagine a world where everything works all the time, and there are no weird-ass errors to troubleshoot. Sounds boring, yeah? Good thing it’s not a real place. Fantasies aside, sometimes things that have been working for ages just stop working. We ran into that case just recently with a project. This project has been live…