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Last week, Sitecore release a new version of Sitecore Habitat.  One of the goals I’ve had with SIF-less is to allow for a greater flexibility in provisioning instances of Sitecore.  While there is in fact a new version of SIF-less here, the majority of the work allow for a Habitat flavor of Sitecore 9.0.2 was simple configuration.  Aside from the normal text boxes in the Custom Fields, we do have a Folder and File type to use.  Here’s the Files portion of the Config for Habitat:

    <Field name="xconnectsitename" type="text" map="XCONNECT_SITE" label="X Connect Site Name" description="The Name of the xConnect Website"  defaultValue="[[PREFIX]].xconnect"/>
    <Field name="sitename" type="text" map="SITENAME" label="Site Name" description="The Name of the Website"  defaultValue="[[PREFIX]].sc"/>
    <Field name="habitatroot" type="folder" map="HABITAT_ROOT" label="Habitat Root" description="Where the habitat Source is extracted to" />

Note the third field, which is again, just a simple folder selector.  In the UI, it looks like this:


Easy enough.  How do you set this up?  Pretty easy, actually When creating a new Sitecore Profile, check the Topology list after selecting the 9.0 Update 2 Version.

Once you have the profile setup, select it from the Main window in SIF-less and you’ll see the Habitat Root field pop up. Simply select the folder which you’ve unzipped the source to.  This folder you select should have the web.config, gulpfile.js, etc in it.

After that, generate your EZ file and run it.

So to put that into a nice list of instructions:

  1. Download Habitat source zip. (Get it here)
  2. Unzip it to a folder
  3. Run SIF-less.
  4. Point the custom field “Habitat Folder” at the folder you unzipped to in Step 2.
  5. Generate the EZ file and run it.

As per the usual, you can find the download the zip here.

You can snag it on Github here: https://github.com/RAhnemann/sif-less 

PS:  I’ve addressed an issue with the length of the passwords for the alternate accounts.  You can read about the SO here.