Category: Sitecore 10

Docker and Firefox – Fix OOTB HTTP Redirect

I’m a Firefox guy. It’s ok. I’m good with it. I like Firefox. It has some quirks. Some of those quirks are actually some security practices. One of them…I’ll share today. Ok, so I’ve been doing some docker-ing. Wanting to create some specific pre-built images/accelerator type things on my own, I started off with a…

Experience Profile: XdbSearchUnavailableException

Our team was standing up a new instance of Sitecore XP1 10.1 and noticed that anytime you loaded Experience Profile, you got a nice error about “An error has occurred”. Digging into the XHR posts, there’s a big fat 500 response from the Contact Search API: Exception calling GetService() – Service Type: “ContactsController” System.InvalidOperationException: Unable…

Windows Hosts Writer – v 1.4

Edit: This has been updated to reflect that v2.0 has been released! View here. There’s a fun bug in windows having to deal with the number of hostnames per line in your hosts file. Any hostnames after the first nine just won’t resolve. That’s fun. Right? I’ve made some updates to the WHW image that…

Experience Profile Won’t Load – NotSupportedException?

This one is a doozie, I tell ya. I was firing up Experience Profile in a client’s Production environment, and it was empty. Which was not accurate. Trust me, it shouldn’t have been empty. So a quick peek at the network traffic showed this: So yeah. Lemme call up that administrator. Me: Hello Me? Also…

Using Windows Hosts Writer with Sitecore 10

Edit: This has been updated to denote the latest version: v2.0. View here. If you’ve been on twitter today, you’ve noticed quite a bit of buzz around the Sitecore Universe (SCUniverse – Pronounced “skju nɪ vɜrs”) with the news that Sitecore 10 has dropped! Play Marketing Buzzword Bingo with the Press Release here: Of…