Category: Kubernetes

Experience Analytics and Experience Profile Won’t Load

I’ll lead this whole thing off with “Sometimes Rob sucks at reading documentation.” Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about what’s been causing some heartburn. Here’s what we were seeing when we went into Experience Profile: And here’s what we see when we look at Experience Analytics: For SEO, I’m…

Failed to start entrypoint process. Error: 216

Ok, there’s a good chance you’re reading this because A) you saw it on twitter or B) you’ve been racking your brain for the past few days wondering what the hell is going on with your AKS Cluster. We rolled out a deployment last week and we noticed that all was not well. What wasn’t…

AKS Quality of Life: Warming your Containers in k8s

UPDATE: I totally forgot to put the source code link in here! If you’ve been around the docker block a little bit with Sitecore, you know by now that when a container is launched, it’s not really ready to do anything. It’s barely alive. In fact, Docker and k8s know this, and have a…